Strategy Conference Tanzania 2017

In September 2017, WTS organised a strategy workshop in Tanzania. For three days, 27 experts from ministries, education institutions, and animal welfare organisations from 10 African countries discussed the biggest challenges, problems and possible solutions in the field of animal welfare in Africa. Since the workshop was part of the VETS UNITED programme the focus was on animal welfare in academic education and CPD, but also many other aspects of animal welfare were discussed.

Due to the experts, the key problems are a low number of veterinary staff, inadequate capacities for academic education and CPD as well as poorly implemented animal protection laws. As a result of the workshop and the networking with many new organisations, WTS has further improved the programme VETS UNITED with regard to setup and content and started new programmes in Kenya, Liberia, Ruanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

For more information, please contact:

Karin Siegmund
Director Welttierschutzstiftung

Tel.: +49(0)30 – 9237226-0
Reinhardtstr. 10
10117 Berlin