WTS Welttierschutzstiftung

Animal welfare as a prerequisite for sustainable development

Welttierschutzstiftung (WTS) is a charitable foundation, established in 2015 in Hamburg by Welttierschutzgesellschaft (WTG) e.V. The foundation promotes animal welfare worldwide. WTS focuses on veterinary academic education and continuous professional development in emerging and developing countries, on scientific research to promote animal welfare, on raising awareness towards animal welfare in society and on the search for solutions for a global humane future. The foundation acts in conducting own projects and promoting external projects.

For more information, please contact:

Karin Siegmund
Director Welttierschutzstiftung
E-Mail: ks@welttierschutz.org

Tel.: +49(0)30 – 9237226-0
Reinhardtstr. 10
10117 Berlin